
Bottled Water

Through multiple filtration stages, our advanced bottle water filters not only eliminate potentially harmful organisms like Cryptosporidium oocysts but also effectively remove particles that may compromise the purity and taste of purified bottled water. We ensure that every drop of bottled water is filtered to perfection, meeting the highest quality standards.

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As the demand for convenient, high-quality drinking water drives the exponential growth of the purified bottled water industry, maintaining stringent water quality standards has become imperative to remain competitive. Integrating advanced bottle water filtration systems is crucial for meeting these standards effectively.

Challenges In Bottled Water Filtration

Contaminant Type Potential Health Hazards Filtration Challenges
Heavy Metal Pollution Fluoride, radioactive particles,
Arsenic, hexavalent chromium,
Lead, mercury
Effective removal of heavy metals for safe water quality
Disinfection By-products and Chemicals Chlorine, chloramines, disinfection
Elimination of treatment additives and harmful by-products
Drugs and Pharmaceutical Byproducts Pharmaceutical residues and by-products Removal of pharmaceutical contaminants
Nitrates and Nitrites Agricultural and Industrial
Reduction of nitrate and
Nitrite concentrations
Industrial Chemicals and
TCE, MTBE, VOCs, etc. Prevention of health hazards
From industrial pollutants
Herbicides and Pesticides Agricultural pollutants Effective removal of pesticide residues
Bacteria, Encystment, Viruses Microorganisms in water, including bacteria, encysted forms, viruses Utilization of technology for thorough microorganism removal

Understanding the Types of Bottled Water

To address the increasing demand in the bottled water market, bottle water filtration systems must effectively eliminate contaminants while maintaining efficiency through advanced technologies. Different types of purified bottled water require distinct filtration processes and precision requirements. Before selecting an appropriate filtration method, it’s essential to comprehend the diverse categories of bottled water.

● Spring Water

Characteristics: Spring water, sourced from natural springs, is favored for its clear and natural qualities.

Filtration Requirements: The bottle water filtration process focuses on removing microorganisms, sediment, and other natural impurities to maintain water purity.

● Mineral Water

Characteristics: Rich in naturally occurring minerals, mineral water has a specific composition, often derived from springs, containing dissolved solids like calcium, magnesium, sodium, potassium, silica, and bicarbonate.

Filtration Requirements: The process targets microorganisms and sediments while ensuring the retention of natural minerals to preserve the original characteristics.

● Drinking Water

Characteristics: Obtained through artificial treatment, pure drinking water is typically derived by purifying tap water through a series of processes.

Filtration Requirements: Complete removal of impurities, chlorine, bacteria, etc., is necessary to provide colorless, odourless, pure water.

● Salt Water

Characteristics: Salz water, from a unique mineral spring, is rich in minerals, notably recognized for its high sodium chloride content.

Filtration Requirements: The process must remove microorganisms and sediments while preserving the distinctive minerals in the water.

When choosing a filtration process, producers must tailor filters and treatments for the specific bottled water type to meet desired quality standards. This personalized approach ensures diverse consumer needs are met across all bottled water varieties.

Salz Water

Bottled water filtration process

From groundwater to safe and pure drinking water, several crucial filtration steps are involved in the process. Often, we overlook the protective and packaging roles of filtration, which are essential for producing purified bottled water. Let’s delve into the specific steps of the bottled water filtration process.

● Protecting a Reverse Osmosis or Ion Exchange Unit (IEU)

This step is pivotal in the bottled water filtration process. Before treating surface or groundwater, the water undergoes treatment and softening using a filter to safeguard the reverse osmosis or ion exchange unit. This helps eliminate impurities and hardness from the water, ensuring the efficient operation of subsequent treatment steps.

● Pre-Filtration

Prior to entering the deionization system and bottling line, the water passes through a pre-filter to remove fine particles and suspended organics. This reduces the burden on subsequent treatment equipment and maintains water cleanliness.

● Final Filtration

As the last line of defense before bottling, final filtration targets biological contaminants. This involves removing microorganisms such as bacteria, cysts, and viruses to uphold hygiene standards in the final product.

● Tank Vent Filtration

During the bottling process, the gas storage tank vents need filtration. This ensures that sterile air can pass through during filling and venting, safeguarding the tank and its contents from contamination.

● Filtration at the Bottling and Packaging Stage

Bottle filters play a crucial role in the bottling and packaging stages, especially in the presence of CO2 or N2. They effectively eliminate airborne contaminants, ensuring that the final packaged bottled water remains pure at the factory.

By meticulously designing and implementing these steps, manufacturers can ensure the delivery of high-quality, safe, and pure bottled water products that meet consumer demand for healthy drinking water.

What Sanitek Can Do in the Bottled Water Filtration Procedure?

Sanitek offers a comprehensive range of filtration systems specifically designed to optimize the production and quality of bottled water. Our filtration solutions are tailored to meet the unique needs of different types of bottled water, ensuring that each step of the filtration process is addressed effectively.

During bottled water production, multiple impurities may be produced that can affect the quality and taste of the beer. The following are some common impurities produced in bottled water production and their filtration methods.

Filtration process impurity Filter product
①Water filtration Particulate impurities in the source water Polymempure® PP1/PP2/PP3 5-10um;
②RO Pre-filtration Residual activated carbon and particulate matter in the alcohol Polymempure® PP1/PP2/PP3 5um;
③Final filtration Lactic acid bacteria, acetic acid bacteria, mutbacteria, coliform and other wild yeast Polymempore® series 0.45um/0.65 um
④Steam filtration Solid impurities in the steam, aerosols, and bacteria CSSM®,PSF® ,PSM® ,TCF® 1-5 um
⑤⑥Vent/gas filtration Solid impurities, aerosol, and bacteria Polymempore® TFEG 0.22 um

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