

By eliminating those low-energy photons from the X-ray beam, X-ray filters can reduce the exposure dose to radiation. The patient's soft tissue would absorb the low-energy photons without harming the valuable diagnostic data. Filtration can significantly improve the accuracy of diagnosis results.

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Filtration is common in medical diagnostics. When it comes to the separation and testing of urine or blood, cartridges can be used to filter solid particles, bacteria, cells and crystalline material from urine.

The solid precipitate on the cartridge is washed using an appropriate buffer or solution to remove residual urine components. This ensures that the resulting sample is more pure.

Solid precipitates are collected from the cartridge or observed directly on the cartridge. These solid precipitates can be further used for bacterial culture, cytological examination or microscopic observation.

One thing that has to be mentioned here is that diagnostics and laboratory filtration are closely related. Many of the liquids to be tested have to be handled aseptically in the laboratory, and sanitek also offers laboratory filtration elements.


Laboratory filtration

Laboratory filtration products can be used in pharmaceutical, food and beverage, environmental or general laboratory environments. Filtration capsules confine and isolate infectious and hazardous materials in vacuum systems, ventilation and exhaust applications.

Filter cartridges play a crucial role in the membrane filtration of various substances such as plasma fractions, vaccines,monoclonal antibodies (MABs), diagnostic samples, purified protein solutions, biological fluids, and solutions containing preservatives. These cartridges are constructed using materials like PTFE (polytetrafluoroethylene) and CTFE (chlorotrifluoroethylene). The inner designs of in-line filter cartridges ensurethe uniform distribution of the solvent across the filter screen.

Membrane filter cartridges are used for air and liquid filtration. Syringe filters improve analytical quality by removing particulate matter. Membrane stacked disc filters are available in a variety of grades and pore sizes to suit a wide range of applications.

What Sanitek can do in this procedure?

By ensuring the functionality and durability of your equipment, Sanitek’s tailored filtration solutions contribute to long-term cost savings on maintenance and operational expenses.

Sanitek’s market-leading filtration systems specialize in the removal of oil and particles from water streams, addressing environmental regulations or injection well standards. Our innovative offerings encompass oil adsorptive guard filters, high-efficiency coalescers, as well as disposable and washable solid cartridge solutions.

For this specific application, Sanitek designs and manufactures filter cartridges and filter housings. Our Oltek pleated filter cartridge and Oltek string wound filter cartridge stand out as ideal solutions for maintaining the required purity levels in this condition.

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